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Install on Dell PowerEdge w/ RAID 5
trlists at clayst.com
Install on Dell PowerEdge w/ RAID 5
Scott Prive
Install on Dell PowerEdge w/ RAID 5
Ben Jackson
Install on Dell PowerEdge w/ RAID 5
trlists at clayst.com
Install on Dell PowerEdge w/ RAID 5
trlists at clayst.com
Processes or Threads (or daemons) ?
Paul Courchene
Processes or Threads (or daemons) ?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Processes or Threads (or daemons) ?
Nathan Meyers
Eric Raymond's writings.
Jeff Kinz
Eric Raymond's writings.
Jeff Kinz
Looking for some help with Embedded Linux
Michael Mathur
Bill Horne's photo caption contest
Bill Horne
Bill Horne's photo caption contest
Ken Gosier
Jerry Feldman
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Jerry Feldman
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Bill Horne
Jerry Feldman
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
David Kramer
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Duane Morin
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Jerry Feldman
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Chris Meyer
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Drew Taylor
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Jerry Feldman
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Jerry Feldman
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Derek Atkins
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Chris Meyer
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Patrick R. McManus
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
David Kramer
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Drew Taylor
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Christoph Doerbeck a242369
Fwd: Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.
Chris Meyer
Attack signature of new sendmail vulnerability
Bill Horne
Attack signature of new sendmail vulnerability
Jerry Feldman
Melissa on MacIntosh...
kgleason.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Melissa on MacIntosh...
Jerry Feldman
Melissa on MacIntosh...
Melissa on MacIntosh...
Scott Prive
Melissa on MacIntosh...
Chris Meyer
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Message not available
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
John Abreau
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Derek Atkins
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Paul Iadonisi
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Matthew J. Brodeur
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Paul Iadonisi
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
John Abreau
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Matthew J. Brodeur
Redhat 8 the hard way... adding GNOME afterwards
Scott Prive
New Linux Online Magazine - Need Contributed Content (fwd)
John Abreau
limited transfers
Glenn Burkhardt
Linux Device driver article (was Linux guru needed to write device driver. Burlington, Massachusetts.)
rrmalloy at attbi.com
Robert La Ferla
CPU Serial number
FRamsay at castelhq.com
<Possible follow-ups>
CPU Serial number
FRamsay at castelhq.com
CPU Serial number
Scott Prive
rh80 bootnet with broadcom & tlan drivers
christoph at linuxsoup.com
What would you rather have?
christoph at linuxsoup.com
Samba Help
trlists at clayst.com
Samba Help
Samba Help
trlists at clayst.com
Samba Help
Vince McHugh
Samba Help
Scott Prive
Samba Help
trlists at clayst.com
Message not available
Samba Help
trlists at clayst.com
Samba Help
Scott Prive
CPU Serial number: BIOS?
Chuck Young
Fwd: SCO sues IBM for a gigabuck
David Kramer
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Bill Horne
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Jerry Feldman
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Scott Prive
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Mark J. Dulcey
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Scott Prive
Is there a Proxomitron clone for Linux?
Bill Horne
Job Opening - Quincy, MA
Bryan Strawser
colocation ?
Darxus at chaosreigns.com
colocation ?
Jerry Feldman
colocation ?
Bob Keyes
colocation ?
Darxus at chaosreigns.com
colocation ?
Bob Keyes
MA Dept. of Revenue considers Linux
David Kramer
William Holt
Mark J. Dulcey
thank you
William Holt
OT: Stuff for sale...
Stuff for sale...
Bill Horne
Stuff for sale...
Stuff for sale - follow-up
Update on stuff...
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Bill Horne
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Jerry Feldman
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Scott Prive
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Jerry Feldman
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Timothy M. Lyons
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Peter R. Wood
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Drew Taylor
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Bill Horne
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
christoph at linuxsoup.com
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Peter R. Wood
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Thomas Lohman
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Peter R. Wood
<Possible follow-ups>
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Peter R. Wood
Cable/ADSL routers with print spooler
Peter R. Wood
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - Linux in the Enterprise
Jerry Feldman
odd DNS failure in w2000?
steve at horne.homelinux.net
odd DNS failure in w2000?
Bill Horne
odd DNS failure in w2000?
steve at horne.homelinux.net
Message not available
odd DNS failure in w2000? Kazaa/spyware?
steve at horne.homelinux.net
Message not available
odd DNS failure in w2000? Kazaa/spyware? Yes -- fixed it.
steve at horne.homelinux.net
odd DNS failure in w2000? Kazaa/spyware?
Scott Prive
DNS Question
Robert La Ferla
DNS Question
Derek Atkins
Linux Installation
David Lapointe
Linux Installation
Nathan Meyers
Linux Installation
Jerry Feldman
network install
William Holt
network install
David Lapointe
network install
Jerry Feldman
Thin Clients
Michael MacDonald
Thin Clients
Scott Prive
Thin Clients
christoph at linuxsoup.com
<Possible follow-ups>
thin clients
Michael MacDonald
thin clients
David Kramer
thin clients
Michael MacDonald
William Holt
Jerry Feldman
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
used/refurbished PCs
Praveen Ray
used/refurbished PCs
Anthony Gabrielson
CPU temp?
Duane Morin
CPU temp?
Scott Prive
CPU temp?
christoph at linuxsoup.com
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Numberwhun *****
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Duane Morin
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Mark J. Dulcey
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
David Kramer
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Duane Morin
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
David Kramer
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Duane Morin
<Possible follow-ups>
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Numberwhun *****
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Numberwhun *****
[blu.org] Sharp Zaurus Deal Discovered!!!!!
Numberwhun *****
Fwd: [Wind] Sun Microsystems lawsuit
David Kramer
Fwd: [Wind] Sun Microsystems lawsuit
John Chambers
Help on Text dump
Radha V
Text dump
Radha V
Text dump
John Chambers
need ideas for workshop on hacking/free software
Mike Gorse
need ideas for workshop on hacking/free software
David Kramer
pump, AT&T, and dhcp...
pump, AT&T, and dhcp...
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
pump, AT&T, and dhcp...
Wanted - part time Network/Linux Administrator
Praveen Ray
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
B North
[static] linking
Young, Charles
[static] linking
[static] linking
Patrick R. McManus
[static] linking
[static] linking
Patrick R. McManus
[static] linking
[static] linking
Patrick R. McManus
Message not available
[static] linking
[static] linking
James R. Van Zandt
[static] linking
Jerry Feldman
[static] linking
John Chambers
March 3 Business Week has a GREAT cover
Bill Horne
March 3 Business Week has a GREAT cover
Boston Linux Installfest XIV Saturday, April 12, 2003
Jerry Feldman
Jon (Mad Dog) Hall Speaking at WLUG meeting March 26th...
Keller, Tim
Fwd: XFree86 Schism
David Kramer
RedHat Install list FAQ
David Kramer
RedHat Install list FAQ (time travel)
Bill Bogstad
RedHat Install list FAQ (time travel)
RedHat Install list FAQ (searching list archive???)
Bill Bogstad
RedHat Install list FAQ (searching list archive???)
How to control kde borders & titles
John Chambers
<Possible follow-ups>
How to control kde borders & titles
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
How to control kde borders & titles
John Chambers
Fwd: Red Hat Linux 9 -- Get it Early
David Kramer
Fwd: Red Hat Linux 9 -- Get it Early
Mark J. Dulcey
Fwd: Red Hat Linux 9 -- Get it Early
christoph at linuxsoup.com
Fwd: Red Hat Linux 9 -- Get it Early
Scott Prive
slashdot down?
steve at horne.homelinux.net
slashdot down?
slashdot down?
Benjamin B Jackson
slashdot down?
Robert L Krawitz
slashdot down?
Jerry Feldman
Ping puzzle
John Chambers
<Possible follow-ups>
Ping puzzle
Kevin D. Clark
Ping puzzle
David Kramer
Ping puzzle
John Chambers
Ping puzzle
Kevin D. Clark
Ping puzzle
Greg Galperin
Ping puzzle
Scott Prive
Ping puzzle
John Chambers
Ping puzzle
Kevin D. Clark
ping puzzle
William Holt
ping puzzle
John Chambers
Ping puzzle
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
D-Link firewall with Linux
Rich Braun
D-Link firewall with Linux
Jerry Feldman
D-Link firewall with Linux
D-Link firewall with Linux
John Chambers
<Possible follow-ups>
D-Link firewall with Linux
D-Link firewall with Linux
Mark J. Dulcey
Domain Controllers
R Ransbottom
Domain Controllers
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Domain Controllers
Brian J. Conway
Domain Controllers
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Domain Controllers
Domain Controllers
Matthew J. Brodeur
Domain Controllers
Verizon DSL Slow?
Verizon DSL Slow?
Chris Meyer
Verizon Blocking port 80?
stay socket
FRamsay at castelhq.com
stay socket
Kevin D. Clark
stay socket
FRamsay at castelhq.com
stay socket
Cole Tuininga
stay socket
Derek Atkins
Famous last words: "surely this CGI script is safe"
Seth Gordon
Famous last words: "surely this CGI script is safe"
Kevin D. Clark
Famous last words: "surely this CGI script is safe"
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Famous last words: "surely this CGI script is safe"
Scott Prive
LinModems ... what to do?
christoph at linuxsoup.com
Mail converted by
Boston Linux & Unix / webmaster@blu.org